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We are committed to providing meals for all our customers/pupils and for those needing special diets for medical requirements, where possible. We work closely with our suppliers and have systems in place to ensure our kitchen teams have information as accurate as possible but it must be noted that they can only be guided by information that suppliers provide - this is similar to the process of a parent catering for a child’s special diet at home.
To ensure the safety of each of our customers we must work closely together with parents, the school and the kitchen team. Culinera normally changes its menus on a termly basis and therefore regular meetings may be required to ensure we can offer your child a suitable menu option.
If you are happy for your child to enjoy family dining from the published menu you take responsibility for managing any allergens and/ or food intolerances. Ingredient and allergen details can be made available upon request.
If your child has any allergies or food intolerance(s) and requires the menu to be adapted, please complete the below form and then submit to the school office with a referral letter from a medical professional (G.P/ consultant /dietician). If you need a special menu please ensure you state this on the form below.
It is the parents responsibility to ensure that food allergies and special diets are reported to both the Swan School and to Culinera. This form can be used to update Culinera - please note that this is only accepted once the form has been acknowledged by Culinera. To update the school, please enter any food allergies or special diets on the initial Applicaa admissions form, or for existing students via My Child At School.
Meals will only be made available, where allergies or special diets do not conflict. If allergies are not reported, it is possible that dishes on the menu may not be suitable for your child.
If there are dishes on the menu which are not suitable for your child then please ensure you request a meeting with the team to explore if alternative dishes can be offered which meets your child's allergy or special dietary requirements.
Please note that the information included within this form will remain in place until it is superseded by another letter from a medical professional.
To ensure that Culinera are able to provide a lunch menu that is suitable for your child, please ensure that the form is completed and returned at least 2 weeks before your child attends school.